Taking Atom & Luna Outside


We’ve been having a lot of fun testing new ideas around how we can share the Atom and Luna stories with more people.

Over the weekend of 12-14 Aug we were resident in Colchester Holytrees Museum, with actor Tom Campe leading audiences around the gorgeous Castle Park whilst they listened to The Great Oak and The Glass Ball,

Have a look at some pictures from that weekend - which was generously supported by Colchester Bid and the Colchester Museum Service - here (https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWJ5mqZ)

Then our overall creative director Nina Hajiyianni, project designer and illustrator Bek Palmer, performers Becca Bindang and Farrell Cox joined myth advisor Sangita Lakhanpal in Wivenhoe (North Essex) for a week of R&D on the next story stages for The Chronicles of Atom and Luna.

This was the start of the process which will see Murray Lachlan Young go onto write the Atom and Luna verse play which will go into production in Autumn 2022, and see us create a new series of interactive activity based audio tales for release in Spring next year.

We listened to our audio tales in the wood, went foraging, had Yoga sessions in the park and explored the story both in the woods and in the studios.  We even won the local pub quiz!

You can see some photos from our residency (based at the William Loveless Hall) here https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWABJ8q

To stay up to date with how the story is developing make sure you sign up to our newsletter here at funnelwicklimb.com


Atom and Luna AR nominated for a Digital Media Award at Prix Europa


Exciting news…